--From the blog: Dooce, Vintage Pyrex ovenware
Monday, March 17 2008Long Time No Post
Old Sharon Springs, NY tourist sign. Picture courtesy of The American Hotel site.
The Beekman 1802, to the tune of Buddy Greco Roseboro Hotel, Sharon Springs, NY. Picture courtesy of The Roseboro.com site.
I have always loved my adopted area, The Central NY Mohawk Valley, from the rolling hills and farms to the friendly people. Not only is it Amish Country, but it is a superb blend of bucolic scenery, New York State history, antiques, and retro living. But I recently discovered The Fabulous Beekman Boys , otherwise known as Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Brent Ridge, transplanted Manhattanites, and their 1802 farmhouse about 12 miles from me in Sharon Springs, NY. They have a show on Planet Green, and are very active in the Sharon Springs town life. Which is a good thing, because Sharon Springs is a fading tourist town experiencing a cultural resurgence thanks to folks like the Beekman Boys and the proprietors of the American Hotel , among others. In fact, the little mineral springs resort town is now populated by Manhattanites of all sorts, and is more creative and lively because of it. If you want a real old-fashioned rural day trip experience, take Route 20 from Albany, NY all the way to Sharon Springs, and spend time at quaint shops like Cobbler and Company, a refurbished cobbler shop turned antique and novelty store, and The Black Cat Cafe, a wonderful from-scratch bakery and restaurant. For more info on my area, visit the The Mohawk Valley Living blog, and The Sharon Springs Chamber of Commerce site.
Here, for your viewing pleasure, is a look at the Beekman 1802 mansion's fabulously decorated rooms, to the tune of some swank Ultralounge Buddy Greco. What could be better than rural history, retro decor, and vintage tunes? Happy Holidays!
(Click on the Youtube title link at the top of the video screen to see the video in large scale.)
For more Fabulous Beekman Boys Youtube videos, go here.
I scored the only two Designs Pyrex mixing bowls (sorry, only one shown) that were made: the 343 1 1/2 quarts and the 344 3 quarts, $18, found at the Village View Variety Shoppe, Lake Luzerne, NY.
My first Friendship Pyrex Cinderella casserole find, $20, found at the Village View Variety Shoppe,Lake Luzerne, NY.
Southern Belle embroidered dresser scarf, $3, Village View Variety Shoppe, Lake Luzerne, NY.
My Recent Thrift FindsAnd the piece de resistance for the week so far: 1950s-70s chrome based barrel chair, $3, found at the same Johnstown, NY thrift store as the fondue pot.
I have lots more pics to share when I get around to capturing them. Happy Thrifting, everyone!
Shared at Apron Thrift Girl's Thrift Share Monday link party.
"I Wish I Looked Like Cindy Crawford."--Cindy Crawford
Flea Market Sunday
Gene Kelly Pole-Dances!
The 325 Square Foot Home
Stylish Home Decor Round Up
Talk About Cheesy! 1970s Ads
The Funniest Man on Earth
Will Wonders Never Cease
It is my favorite kind of blog. Personal enough that you can glean the interests and obsessions of the blogger, but not so personal that you feel like your eavesdropping through someone’s kitchen window. It stakes a clear “domain” — retro lifestyle — but wanders freely, loping this way and that across the patch of land within that chunk of intellectual terrain. My highest compliment is that RetroModGirl manages to find idiosyncratic approaches to very accessible topics, in ways that gives retro “O.G.s” and retro nOObs something to savor. Other retro-themed blogs chat about MAD MEN and 50’s stoves and the like, but do other blogs show you the mansion that Magic Chef built?
RetroModGirl gets my “Green Monster” award for a blog that stirs feelings I say are admiration, is really just jealousy."
sixstringoutlaw , from the blog, RetroKustomHonkytonkA belated thank you to the awesome Vintage Verve!
You might have seen one out in Minnesota
Or maybe down by the sea in Sarasota
But they were made back in Worcester Mass
Of aluminum and bakelite and glass
Like a locomotive they were streamlined
And the blue prints were drawn up from a dream of mine
Slap 'em up put 'em on the train
Out to Michigan up to Maine
You may find a diner down in Georgia or
Carolina off the twenty by the Piggly Wiggly
In the country out of Waynsboro
Or when it's getting late and rainy out in New York State
You hang a louie off the thru-way
And you go and grab yourself a cheeseburger
At the little gem diner off the six niner
Diner my shiny shiny love
In the night you're all I'm thinking of
Diner my shiny shiny love
The cruiser pulls in where the trooper's always stop
As we dine over the chrome and formica table top
The cashier she always squints
By the gum and the bowl of mints
She's tapping her toe
To the Dean Martin on the consolette
Booth service and a cigarette we're loving it so
Side of fries a dollar
Or the haddock plate two ninety five
A rootbeer float a pepsi
And be sure to save some room for some apple pie
Better make it a-la-mode
Dean Martin god rest his soul
Talkin' to me from the cereal bowl
There's a couple from the show me state
Knockin' back a little meatloaf plate
Diner my shiny shiny love.